Contact information


5540 Haines Rd. St. Petersburg, FL. 33714

Phone Number:

Text or call us at (727) 619-4255


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Schedule A Free Class

    Frequently asked questions:

    How do I know if jiu jitsu is right for me?

    You don’t know until you try right? Why not come take a free class with us today! Anyone can learn jiu jitsu. We have people on our mats from kids to grandparents all looking to help each other improve.  Jiu jitsu will improve your fitness and confidence, and may be one of the most fun workouts you can experience.

    What should I expect for my first class?

    Expect a warm welcome from our students and staff. Beginners are invited to join in any fundamentals class to begin their jiu jitsu journey.  Here they will be paired with a senior student who will help them work through the techniques being taught.  Fundamentals class format begins with a short warm-up, followed by a self-defense technique before moving onto the basic principals of grappling.

    What do/can I wear to class?

    For your first class a clean gi (uniform) will be provided to you. You can wear shorts under the gi if you prefer, and a t-shirt, rash guard or sports bra will provide extra comfort.

    When looking to purchase a gi for yourself, there are tons of choices available on the market. A white or blue gi is preferred but we really don’t care what you choose to wear as long as it’s clean. We do have gis in stock available for purchase as well.

    How much does it cost?

    We have a number of affordable payment options.  However, it’s best to try a few classes at no charge to see how you like jiu jitsu, our school, and our environment.

    Relax, we are lovers of the art not used car salesman (no offense to used car salesman) and you will not be pressured to join or sign a lengthy contract.